
open class IPAcceptanceViewController : UIViewController

View controller for the the acceptance part of the authentication process. The IAMPASS Framework includes a default UI for this authentication stage. IPAcceptanceViewControllers are created by IPAuthenticationViewController. A custom UI can be provided by creating a nib file containing an IPAcceptanceViewController and set the values of IPAuthenticationViewController.acceptanceBundleIdentifier and IPAuthenticationViewController.acceptanceNibName.

  • The delegate that receives the accept, reject response.



    public var acceptanceDelegate: IPAcceptanceViewControllerDelegate!
  • Creates an IPAcceptanceViewController, which is used to determin if a user accepts an authentication request. If bundleIndentifier and nibName are nil, IAMPASSs default acceptance view cotroller is created. By specifiying these values you can override the asppearance of the acceptance view controller in your application. To do this create a new ViewController in Interface Builder and set the Class and Module properties in the Identity Inspector. Then set the acceptanceBundleIdentifier and acceptanceNibName of your IPAuthenticationViewController.



    public init?(delegate: IPAcceptanceViewControllerDelegate, bundleIdentifier: String?, nibName: String?)



    IPAcceptanceViewControllerDelegate called when the acceptance request is accepted or rejected.


    String? The bundle in which to search for the nib file.


    String? The name of the nib file to associate with the view controller.

  • The button that is used to accept the authentication request Do not add a tap handler for the button. If you implement a custom UI for the acceptance authentication stage you should connect the Yes/OK button to this member in InterfaceBuilder.



    public weak var acceptButton: UIButton!
  • The button that is used to reject the authentication request Do not add a tap handler for the button. If you implement a custom UI for the acceptance authentication stage you should connect the No/Cancel button to this member in InterfaceBuilder.



    public weak var rejectButton: UIButton!